Kyle Broxterman is a testicular cancer survivor in Las Vegas, Nevada. Kyle talks about noticing a lump on his testicle, advocating for himself to be seen sooner, getting the call about possible cancer while ice climbing, keeping a positive attitude, returning to the mountain as a "single nut climber," and more!
Read MoreJoe Karasek is a testicular cancer survivor living in Florida. Joe talks about his troubled past with drugs and alcohol, being diagnosed with and treated for testicular cancer, nearly taking his own life after his orchiectomy, finding purpose and love while overcoming his disease, writing a book, and more!
Read MoreDr. Kern shares his experience going from testicular cancer provider to testicular cancer patient after completing his fellowship at Indiana University, plus information about the military's TESTIS program and how it can help those diagnosed with the most common cancer in active duty men.
Read MoreSeth Camp is a testicular cancer survivor from Wisconsin. Seth talks about being diagnosed with stage 2A testicular cancer at the age of 43, being a diabetic on chemo, the special stocking stuffer he now gives his sons to help them check themselves, having a vasovagal response to needles and surgery, the importance of talking to someone, and more!
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