Corporate Partners

Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation aligns itself with corporate partners to help further our mission and vision of supporting the fight against testicular cancer and continue providing support to those affected by this disease.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a corporate partner with the Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation, please email us at

Fennec Pharmaceuticals

Fennec Pharmaceuticals, Inc. supports Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation in a variety of ways, including being the Title Sponsor for multiple Testicular Cancer Conferences as well as sponsoring Meet & Greet events at medical conferences around the country.

Fennec Pharmaceuticals is devoted to the fight against ototoxicity in pediatric cancer patients who receive cisplatin-based chemotherapy.

Cisplatin-based chemotherapy is the most commonly used chemotherapy treatment for testicular cancer, and many TC patients and survivors are affected by ototoxicity as a result of the treatment.

My Cause My Cleats

National Football League supports Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation!

Jacksonville Jaguars & #65 Brandon Linder wore special cleats to raise awareness for Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation, representing his best friend, Steve “Telly” Tellefsen who was diagnosed with testicular cancer.

Larrell Murchison of the Tennesse Titans also wore special cleats in December 2023, representing TCAF and his brother who is a testicular cancer survivor.

21st Century Fox - Deadpool - Starring Ryan Reynolds

In 2016 we partnered with 21st Century Fox and Deadpool Movie to include our testicular self-exam in 3 million DVD’S.

This was a great partnership with 21st Century Fox and actor Ryan Reynolds.

Through this collaboration, several men were diagnosed at an earlier stage with testicular cancer.


CURE®'s time-tested approach combines science, humanity and technology to make cancer understandable for patients and their caregivers.​

Testicular cancer patients, survivors, and loved ones if you would like to receive a publication 4 times per year or medical professionals if you would like publications available in your office, please email us here.

Urology Times

Urology Times® takes the lead in providing news analysis of key advances in surgical and non-surgical techniques, treatments, and practice management. Urology Times has been the #1 read publication for more than 20 years, reaching the full universe of physician-specialists treating urologic disorders. We keep urologists up to date so they can quickly provide better patient care while running a more efficient practice.

Urologists and medical professionals, if you would like to receive a copy 4 times per year of Urology Times please email us here.