Testicular Cancer Conference Denver, colorado
October 10 - 12th, 2019
An International Gathering of Survivors, patients, Caregivers, and Medical Experts
We are focused on bringing an international group of TC patients, survivors and their loved ones together to address the physical and emotional toll of being diagnosed and treated for a cancer at a young age. We discuss life with and after cancer, and lifestyle changes that can help the healing process. We invite a panel of medical experts to provide pertinent information for patients currently fighting and resources for long-term survivorship. TCAF provides attendees with information and resources to advocate within their community about the importance of early detection.

Topics Discussed At the Conference
Hypogonadism & Infertility for the TC Survivor
Sexual Function in Cancer Patients
Why Did I Develop Testicular Cancer?
Cancer Survivorship
Cancer Rehabilitation
Oncology Q & A
Survivors Unite
Caregivers Unite
Emerging Topics in the care of Testicular Cancer
International perspectives on Testicular Cancer
Psychosocial wellbeing
Bfit Bwell - a wellness strategy for cancer survivors
Taste Life Nutrition - the importance of nutrition in cancer survivorship

Social Dinner at Los Chingones Stapleton
We had a great time at our Meet & Greet dinner social with past conference attendees and meeting new faces. Our socials are an intralegal part of our conferences connecting with others on a deeper level and sharing experiences of fighting testicular cancer.
Keynote/Guest Speakers
Assistant Professor
University of Colorado Hospital & Children’s Hospital Colorado
Associate Professor, Surgery-Urology
Clinic Director of Urologic Oncology
University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz Medical Campus
Dr. Khalid Alkhatib is an International Medical Graduate of National University of Ireland, and Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland.
Associate Professor, Pediatrics-Heme/Onc and Bone Marrow Transplantation
University of Colorado Hospital & Children’s Hospital Colorado
BJ is a two-time testicular cancer survivor, actor, comedian and retired United States Air Force medic.
Instructor, Medicine-Medical Oncology
University of Colorado Hospital & University of Colorado Cancer Center
Exercise Physiologist and Professional Research Assistant
BfitBwell Cancer Exercise Program
BFitBWell Data Manager and Professional Research Assistant
BfitBwell Cancer Exercise Program
Distinguished Professor of Medicine at Indiana University School of Medicine. In 1974, he added an experimental drug to the chemotherapy regimen for testicular cancer, and almost overnight, he turned the research world upside down, and a disease that was almost universally fatal became eminently curable.