Volunteer Bio - Sheena Burie
Sheena and Cole Burie
My husband at 36 had no medical problems, in fact he often refused to go in for even a regular check up. I feel many men do the same, thinking they will "get better" on their own. I am a RN with 9 years nursing experience and did not drag him in until he was hobbled over like a 90 year old man.
His seminoma presented extra-gonadal and baseball in size. A stent and port were placed. Being a nurse is kinda like the mafia, you know too much and prior to getting results from the biopsy I couldn't let myself be in denial, I knew how serious this was. Upon doing some research, I was alarmed on the small amount of information online considering this was the most common type of cancer in younger men. Also surprising was the few resources for patients and families. I knew before leaving the hospital I needed to step up and provide outreach to the community. The panic, fear and loss of income is devastating for so many families and I found myself not knowing where to turn. When you have children as we do age 12 and 14, it is a scary time for them as well. We try to keep the good days and rest the bad days away.
Helping others has always been my passion, and being an ambassador will allow me to provide support to those with so many questions as I had, bringing awareness to the community and knowledge to young men and the importance of self check. This has and will continue to be a battle, but we are ready to fight.
Sheena Burie
TCAF Volunteer