Jordan Jones Legacy - Coach Brandon Harrison
I had the pleasure of being Jordan Jones’ football coach for three years. I have never coached such a wonderful young man. He was a pleasure to work with. He was the kind of young man that motivated me to be a teacher and coach. He was easily one of the hardest workers we had and always exhibited a positive mental attitude with plenty of aggression and attention to detail. During his freshman year, he completed fall camp while battling the effects of treatment. I have never seen that and likely never will.
Coach Harrison on the field with Jordan
In short, Jordan was a warrior. He was a warrior on the field and in the weight room. He was a strong leader and motivator. He led by example and motivated others to follow him. When on the field in a game or in practice, he exhibited an attention to detail and punished the opponent with his play. Jordan was a warrior in so many other areas of life as well. He was dealt a very tough hand at young age but met his challenges head on and fought like very few can. To battle cancer and to maintain a personality from which others derived the nickname "Sunshine," speaks to his attitude, composure, toughness, spirit and his determination to press on through the extremely challenging circumstances he was given. I never saw Jordan with a negative attitude. This is true even when he knew his time on Earth was coming to a close.
Jordan has affected countless people through the way he lived his life and in the area of cancer awareness. His efforts, attitude and perseverance have saved many lives and will continue to do so the future. Jordan is in a better place and likely riding his motorbike, shooting an AR-15, and snowboarding all at the same time. Heaven is now a better place because of him. It was a pleasure to know him and to be a part of his life. I am looking forward to seeing him again. Thank you, Jordan, for showing us what a warrior's spirit is and how much it can change lives for the better. See you later, Sunshine.
Coach Harrison