Cristian Alvizo Finds Purpose in His Testicular Cancer Journey
Spending the entire summer at the beach with his friends before they parted ways for college was Cristian Alvizo's plan before his testicular cancer diagnosis, which came just the day before his high school senior graduation and turned his life upside down. With no history of cancer in his family, having just turned 18, being physically healthy, and playing sports his entire life, Cristian could never have predicted that cancer would one day knock on his door and find its way into his life, his body, and his world. Yet, there it was, suddenly deciding to spread itself over his testicle, trying to make its way to other parts of his body as well.
On March 18, 2021, Cristian had a scheduled sports physical with his primary care physician, a prerequisite for joining the golf team in his senior year of high school. The appointment was quick, consisting of routine questions about his well-being and a brief physical exam. His physician recommended the HPV vaccine, but as Cristian had recently received the COVID-19 vaccine, he planned to return another day for the shot.
Surprisingly, the physician didn't perform the testicular exam like usual; he simply asked if there were any changes Cristian had noticed. Out of instinct, he said no. Excitedly, he left, looking forward to spending time with friends later that day, relieved to have the appointment behind him.
A few weeks later, Cristian realized that he had not received a testicular exam. He decided that he should perform his own exam just for safe measure. To his surprise, his left testicle felt larger, heavier, and harder than the right. It was an uncomfortable feeling that persisted, like a pebble stuck in his shoe. He decided the same day to make an appointment to see his doctor the next day, not wanting to turn to the internet for answers. He kept his findings to himself, not wanting to worry his parents without concrete answers, which in hindsight he regretted.
He finally spoke with his doctor about his worries on April 29th, and he confirmed what Cristian had noticed during his self-exam. In order to look into it further, he sent him downstairs to radiology to receive an ultrasound and recommended him to a urologist. Cristian went home that day and broke the news to his parents. He told them what he noticed and that he had gone to the doctor and received an ultrasound. His mom was sad he didn't tell her sooner, but he also wanted to protect her from reality until absolutely necessary. His dad was in denial. He didn't want to believe something was wrong and insisted it was normal.
The challenge then became securing an appointment with a urologist. His mom and he called everywhere and the earliest available slot they could find was on June 17th, a month and a half away. Even though the waiting period was emotionally taxing, Cristian made an effort to enjoy his final month of high school by keeping himself busy in spite of the uncertainty that remained.
He went to La Jolla for the long-awaited appointment the day before his graduation. The entire ride there, he assured his mom everything would be okay, but he still had to mentally prepare for the worst. Inside the examination room, the silence was painful. Twiddling his thumbs in agony, repeatedly telling himself everything would be okay. When the knock at the door broke the eerie silence, his heart skipped a beat. He put on a strained grin and greeted his urologist, who met his gaze with a gentle, reassuring look. His mouth immediately dried up, and his cheeks flushed from nervousness as he shook his hand. The urologist examined him carefully, his touch surprisingly gentle and his movements deliberate. Cristian could feel his warmth and empathy.
The urologist asked him to walk him through the discovery of his mass. Then, he showed him the ultrasound results of his left testicle, and on first seeing the tumor, Cristian knew the answer to the question that had been haunting him. As the urologist began speaking, his words were drowned out by the thoughts screaming in his head: "Why?" "What now?" "Oh no, I have to tell Mom!" as he mustered every ounce of willpower to suppress his tears and focus back on him as he explained that he needed surgery the following week to determine the severity of his tumor. He was forced to make one of the most important decisions of his life. What role would he play in this journey? What attitude would he adopt moving forward? As much as he wanted to tell everyone he knew the terrible news he had just received and cry to his mother, he didn't. Cristian realized the more his family and friends saw this affecting him the more it would be difficult for them as well. He'd say that as horrible as it is to find out you have cancer, the experience for the people you love is equally painful, if not more so. His entire life his mom had been his rock and in this moment, he knew that he needed to be hers. He wiped the tears from his eyes and strode out of the room with his head held high as he went to get his mother so the doctor could tell her the news. He told her not to cry as he led her into the room and assured her that everything would be alright. Even though he knew she would cry he was confident that he would do everything in his ability to be strong for those around him and to be okay no matter what moving forward.
The surgery took place the following week on June 25th and was followed by two and a half weeks painfully waiting for the final diagnosis of his tumor. He was eventually diagnosed with stage 1A seminoma testicular cancer and he was faced with a decision of getting a single round of chemotherapy to increase his odds of it not returning to 95%, or remain on active surveillance for the next 5 years, keeping his odds at 86%. He chose the latter not believing introducing chemotherapy to his body was worth the extra percentage. Now, two and a half years post-orchiectomy, all of his CT scans have come back negative. He is currently a third-year student at Cal State San Marcos, aspiring to become a doctor. This experience has profoundly changed his life and set him on this path.
Getting back to “Normal”
Returning to normalcy after facing cancer isn't merely about resuming routines; it's about recalibrating one's entire perspective on life. For Cristian Alvizo, this journey commenced with a diagnosis that shook him to his core.
Discovering that he had cancer felt like being thrust into a whirlwind of uncertainty. Initially, he grappled with the idea of being labeled a "cancer survivor." Despite encountering a comparatively mild scenario—Stage 1A and requiring surgery alone—Cristian couldn't shake the feeling that his experience fell short. It wasn't until he had a vulnerable conversation with his friend Alex, a fellow cancer survivor, that he began to see things differently. Alex helped him realize that every cancer journey, regardless of its intensity, carries its weight. He explained that despite Cristian not requiring chemotherapy and undergoing relatively brief treatment, he still underwent the ordeal of diagnosis and surgery. He also emphasized the significance of Cristian's story in raising awareness about self-screening and body awareness. Cristian's reluctance to share his story diminished as he recognized its importance in highlighting that cancer can affect anyone, irrespective of age, health, or family history.
Survivorship left Cristian feeling both relieved and vulnerable. Each clear scan brought a sense of victory, yet the need for scans remained a constant reminder of the uncertainty ahead. Despite finding joy in everyday moments, vulnerability lingered, particularly during the anxious wait for test results or when faced with minor discomforts. It was akin to living with a heightened sense of uncertainty.
One of the most profound lessons that cancer taught Cristian was the importance of perspective. Life's unpredictability necessitated a shift in focus from dwelling on what could have been to embracing the present and its opportunities. Cristian nurtured meaningful connections, cherished moments, and seized opportunities, recognizing the importance of adapting to life's twists and turns. While the path forward lacked a clear roadmap, Cristian discovered strength and gained confidence in navigating life's challenges.
Furthermore, Cristian's journey underscored the inadequate dialogue surrounding testicular cancer and men's health. Societal pressures often compel men to maintain a stoic facade, hindering them from seeking necessary support. This realization fueled Cristian's passion for spreading awareness and destigmatizing conversations about men's health issues, particularly those overlooked. By sharing his story and advocating for greater awareness, Cristian aimed to empower men to prioritize their health and overcome barriers to seeking care.
Cristian's cancer survivorship journey was characterized by a rollercoaster of emotions, marked by fear, resilience, and immense growth. While the road ahead remained uncertain, Cristian was grateful for the lessons learned and the opportunity to share his story. By raising awareness about self-screening and offering hope to others facing similar challenges, Cristian hoped to inspire courage and resilience in the face of adversity.
Advice to Someone with Cancer:
For anyone diagnosed with cancer, Cristian emphasized the normalcy of feeling overwhelmed. While a cancer diagnosis may be unexpected and frightening, it's essential to recognize and address the range of emotions that arise, from anger and fear to confusion. Permitting oneself to experience these feelings without letting them control you is crucial, as resilience often exceeds expectations.
Establishing a robust support system is critical during such circumstances. Cristian found solace in the company of positive individuals who could provide distraction and laughter. Engaging in activities like building LEGOS helped occupy his mind amidst the challenges.
Cristian drew strength from a quote that reminded him to focus on what he could control—his attitude toward the situation. Amidst uncertainty, nurturing positivity and acknowledging small victories are vital steps forward.
Acceptance of not having all the answers at once is perfectly reasonable. Cancer presents significant challenges, and it's acceptable to navigate them one step at a time. Recognizing and celebrating small triumphs amidst chaos is essential.
Above all, those facing cancer should remember they're not alone. A supportive community of survivors stands ready to offer assistance. Remaining resilient, surrounding oneself with positivity, and embracing the belief in brighter days ahead are crucial elements of the journey. Cristian reminds others to stay strong, remember to surround yourself with positivity and know that brighter days lie ahead. He sends his readers strength and good thoughts.
Check out christian’s “It Takes Balls” podcast episode here":
Cristian Alvizo is Inspired to Become a Doctor After his Diagnosis with Testicular Cancer — TCAF