TC Conference Guest Speaker - Skip Hudson

We are honored and excited to welcome Skip Hudson as a guest speaker at the Testicular Cancer Conference 2018. Skip is an entrepreneur with over 33 years of practical experience as a small business owner (6 companies) or department director for large public and private organizations (7).  He also served as President of a health-related non-profit company (TCAF).  He is a proven project and program manager.

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TC Conference Guest Speaker - David Jacobs

We are honored and excited to welcome David Jacobs as a guest speaker at the Testicular Cancer Conference. David originally started working in the fitness industry as a professional wrestler which he states was an amazing and eye-opening experience. He was constantly surrounded by huge characters with incredible physiques who inspired him to take his fitness to the next level. It was at this time that David really started training hard and doing a lot of research to learn as much as possible about bodybuilding and nutrition. Being a wrestler was a fantastic time in David’s life, but it takes a toll on your body, so he decided to pursue a career in personal training.

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TC Conference Guest Speaker - Dr. Costantine Albany

We are excited and honored to welcome Dr. Costantine Albany as a guest speaker at our Testicular Cancer Conference 2018. Dr. Costantine Albany is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Indiana University School of Medicine.  Dr. Albany completed his fellowship training in medical oncology at Indiana University Simon Cancer Center. Dr. Albany has expertise in treating cancer of the genitourinary tract such as testicular cancer as well as prostate and bladder cancer. His special interest treating advanced testicular cancer and mediastinal germ cell tumors.

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TC Conference Guest Speaker - BJ "Honkey" Lange

ast year BJ Lange was an attendee and this year we are honored to welcome him back as a guest speaker at the Testicular Cancer Conference 2018. BJ Lange is a current resident of Los Angeles and a native to St. Louis, Missouri. BJ is an alumnus of iO West (formerly improvOlympic West), Upright Citizens Brigade Los Angeles, and a graduate of The Second City Hollywood Conservatory, long form program, and musical improv programs. He has also studied at The Groundlings Theater.

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TC Conference Guest Speaker - Jack Broadley

Last year Jack Broadley was an attendee and this year we are honored to welcome him back as a guest speaker at the Testicular Cancer Conference 2018. Jack Broadley is the Founder and current Chief Executive Officer of Baggy Trousers UK. A charity based in Greater Manchester, England whose purpose is to raise the profile and public awareness of testicular cancer, educate males and those in contact with males on self-examination and offer support to boys and men directly affected by testicular cancer.

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Strength Is Freedom

I was a prisoner of my past.  My prison warden was someone called “I used to”.  “I used to” would remind me of my previous accomplishments lifting humongous weights, running long distances, and various feats of acrobatics.  The warden was quick to steal the joy out of my life and pull the rug out from under me whenever I attempted to regain the strength I was so proud of having before.  I spent many days feeling sorry for myself and lamenting the things I could no longer do until one day I decided I was done with the suffering.

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Living Under the Shadow Of Cancer

Cancer. The bastard disease of humankind that kills without hesitation, without prejudice. It is one of the most dreaded words in the medical world, especially if you are a patient. Cancer will turn a world upside down, backwards, and inside out. And more than likely, cancer will be what kills me in the end. That’s a depressing thought to have I know. It’s one of those things that is just ingrained in my mind, and something that contributes to daily anxiety. Let me break it down for you.

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Infertility After Testicular Cancer

It has been a year since my first blog for TCAF, and I finally feel ready to openly talk about why it took so long to write this. This time last year was extremely hard for me. Four months out from Nate’s RPLND, life had slowly begun returning back to normal and the realities of what that meant were hitting hard. Not only were we recovering from everything we had been through during our cancer journey, but we were suddenly facing a new challenge... infertility.

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Chris Osborn

Hello! I’m Chris Osborn a two-time late stage testicular cancer survivor, I’ve been through 4xEP, 1xBEP, 1xVIP, and 2xHDC with stem cell transplant, and RPLND. I am also a type 1 diabetic. I joined TCAF Ambassadors to help others going through testicular cancer, I have some unique medical conditions and I hope I can pass the knowledge I have acquired over the past few years to anyone who needs it! Here is a brief history of my experience with testicular cancer.

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